foxesinbreeches: Kismet and Mirror by Bill Brandt, 1953 Also
carmenhawk: Taken with Instagram
heart-shaped-apple: Beauty Queen
our-fantasy-diary: Bath time… Good morning to our new followers...
looknread: Lydia Roberts, Untitled, 2012
wilhelmmakkink: exploited 2, basement series,70x100cm
looknread: Christian Peter
looknread: Jean-Francois Jonvelle
looknread: melisaki: At the Pool, photo by Ruth Bernhard, 1951
looknread: Hans Bellmer, Untitled, 1946.
Arno Rafael Minkkinen
Arno Rafael Minkkinen
Fashion model Angela Howard Helburn with body paint on her face,...
Fashion model Angela Howard Helburn with body paint on her face, arms and shoulders, poses with her fingers crossed. Test shot. ca 1961, New York, NY, USA
Ballets russes, 1930.
Ballets russes, 1930.
justanothermasterpiece: Bente J. Brown.
lamelancoly: see the od post here Hans Bellmer - Bound, Unica...
the-naked-me: shower_
chewmark: Jesper Fabricius